Top 8 Things to Remember When Ordering Wedding Invitations

Ordering Invitations can be stressful, time-consuming, and more to think about than you want to. One of the main reasons I started this company is to make the process of ordering high-end wedding invitations easier. Keep these 8 tips in mind when you’ve finally found what you want to make the process easy and to be sure you didn’t forget anything.

#1 — You don’t need 1 invite per person.

It seems obvious, but most people order 100 invites for around 100 guests. You only need about 60— 70% of your invite list’s number for the total quantity of invites you order. Most people you end up sending invites to are couples that only need one invitation per couple. This potentially going to save you some money (save some paper for the planet as well) and helps keep your list organized.

#2 — Double-check every bit of information you send.

I know, I know, designers should in theory catch this, but a lot of the information isn’t things we can make sure or things the limited spell check our applications have can catch. On the top of that list are names, addresses, and dates (really any numbers). Once you’ve seen your invite design a couple of times your eyes get used to seeing them and miss little details, if you get it as close as possible the first time you’ll always be better off for it!

#3 — Tone of invitation.

While we’re on the information that goes on your invitation, the tone of how you invite people should reflect the tone of the wedding. A more formal “cordially invited” tone gives off black tie vibes, whereas a more casual “join us” or “we’re getting hitched” hints at a more casual affair.

If you’re unsure of how you should word your invitation, or even unsure of everything you need, we are always happy to guide you in the right direction!

#4 — Paper matters.

Texture, appearance, the whole vibe changes between a bright white, an off-white, or even craft colored. We at Concordia offer both bright white, off-white, and light-colored tones in some instances to give you as many options as we can, but any color is possible. The biggest part of the cost of invitations is almost always the paper, the more out there, the more impact but also the more it usually costs.

One thing always on our minds is sustainability. We strive to use Rainforest Certified, Sustainable, and Recycled paper whenever we can, and all our standard options fall under those guidelines. If you are not ordering from us, we encourage you to double-check with your provider as paper products do have a significant ecological impact and we aim to make that impact from our industry smaller.

#5 — Print costs are not always included.

While we’re on the subject of paper, let’s talk about printing! A lot of people, not one to name names, do not include this with their listed pricing. Always make sure that it’s included or budget accordingly for design + printing costs. Thankfully you don’t have to here (at Concordia) since basic printing costs are always included in all of our products, we only charge for specialty printing costs.

#6 — Keep it simple & memorable.

People get a lot of mail, A LOT. Simple things can keep your invites from accidentally ending up in the trash, and be something people remember to respond to. We aim to have something so memorable that those close to you keep them as a memento, but to achieve this keeping the information paired down to the must-haves on the main invitation card is essential. At the bottom line the more information, the less people will read.

#7 — Time.

Always factor in time to your invitation order planning. It is standard to send out invitations 6–8 weeks ahead of your wedding if you are staying local. If you are planning a destination wedding, in our experience we would send out invitations no less than 3 months—but the closer to 6 months the better for people to plan accordingly.

In terms of the time from starting your order to invitations in hand, expect about a month for any type of custom invitation. We strive to get your invitations to you as quickly as possible, within 2–3 weeks ideally, but communication back and forth, time to design, time to double-triple-quadruple check, and finally print, can take longer than expected. That is why we recommend you plan to order your invitations 6 weeks out from when you need to have them sent out.

Don’t forget to factor in addressing and sealing all those envelopes, we didn’t.

#8 — Stamps.

First, remember to buy them ahead of time. Second, this is an understated area that can make an impact to the entire set. We opted for vintage “California” stamps (found on etsy), as a nod to our destination for the wedding, and because they were also beautiful. It can create a unique thoughtful look and help your card stand out in the mail for your guests.